Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Crocodile on the Sandbank (Amelia Peabody) by Elizabeth Peters

This was my first introduction to a cozy mystery.  I had a little inkling of what I was getting myself into.

In understanding this was the first book of the series it felt there was a lot of background writing going on and I was anxious for the action to get started.  I had to remind myself that this was my first book and getting used to a new writer. 

In all I really did enjoy the story and the characters.  I really loved Amelia's philosophy on things and really men should not have all the fun, especially during that time period when women were considered genteel.  How they would cringe at today's standards.  I look forward in jumping into the next saga and relish being connect with Emerson, Walter, and Evelyn again!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Deadlocked-Charlaine Harris

Well for a little while I was thinking that Ms. Harris had lost her touch in the Stackhouse series.  It was getting mundane for all the issues that Sookie was going through and it just seemed like the same old story.  But by the end it was getting interesting again and to say, I was very happy on how it ended. I just feel sorry for Sookie b/c it just doesn't seem that a happy life is going to go her way anytime soon.  I look forward to the next installment.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1st day back to work

Ugh is what I say.  It's my first day back since being off for Christmas and I hate it.  Ok a little harsh, I do like my job but coming back from almost being a week off is rough.  200 plus emails to go through, thank goodness not that many voice mails.  I'd be pulling my hair out.

At any rate haven't started any of my challenges yet, waiting to finish Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris first.  And hopefully finish some other books I've started reading but left off.  I have the last of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series and I think I had started the third book in the Rogue Angel series.  Then I started 2 new series......yeah I know.